Monday 16 January 2012


Greetings All........

This semester, I have to teach ‘Basic Communication’. I never teach this subject before, but I thought I had learn it during University session….I need to do some preparation and revision before lecture….Yesterday, I get the notes from Pn. Zaini, head of division Telecommunication Technology…And today, I read it. This subject was remembering me to the sweetest memory during creativity and innovation competition at ILP Bukit Katil,Melaka. It was happened 6 month ago and I’m the winner of the competition that I had no dream it at all….

Innovation is something simple and the cost must be cheaper…Even though the product is in the market but it’s still can call ‘inovation’ as long as we do upgrading to the product…. I told my staff, I need an idea. Everyone should responsible if we did not send any project to the competition.The idea is there but the difficulty is to implement and the costing is too expensive….

Every day I count a day and the date of the competition became closer….I’m getting pressured and scared…One day, I got an idea. I wanted to create a product that could reduce our electric bills. I had read about  ‘power factor’ which could help to reduce the bills. Many factory use this concept to maximize electricity usage. If I wanted to implement this idea, I had to create a circuit which include capacitor and inductor. But I need more time to do a research about 'power factor'.How far this concept could give us to reduce our bills...??? Thats the problem and why I need more time to do it....

So, I move to the second idea. It's about ultrasound wave which used to repel insect such as cockroach,rat,ants,lizard and ect. I tried to look ultrasound circuit in the internet, and I found it. I added more resister and LED to make this circuit more compatible and multipurpose to many insect. The ultrasound circuit works by generating a short-range of wave with high frequency where it is impossible to be heard by human ear (less than 20,000 Hertz). This is because the human ear is very limited sensitivity and can’t receive high frequency volume. In contrast, insect are able to hear well in ultrasonic sound frequency from 25,000 Hz and above. 
Frequency Range for Ultrasound wave from 20 kHz and above...

By using ultrasound concept, the insect will run away from its nest and never come again as the place is not peace to live.This is because the conventional to combat the unwanted invasion with spray repellents, poison and traps can be hazardous to our health and just plain messy. Insect also is harmful to human health .In addition, this project is developed to protect our environment and suit with our innovations project theme “Green Technology”. This product  is so cheaper and marketable. That the reason why this product was announced as the winner in that competition.
My Product : Electronic-Wave Rat Repeller
 Be a winner is the most sweetest moment  I ever had . I have to sacrifice a lot of thing especially my time. I will remember it for the rest of my life.......C.O.N.G.R.A.T.U.L.A.T.I.O.N..........
Sorry, this is the only picture I had...BLURRR...But valuable for me...
Celebrate our  MOMENT...The Winner...

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